Experiences at UT
“Experiences at UT” is an inventory of experiential learning (EL) opportunities for UT Austin students. You can search for EL opportunities across all UT Austin colleges/schools and industries or use the filters below to delimit your search by specific college/school, EL type, degree level, or industry. “Experiences at UT” also brings together in one place other experiential learning lists that focus on one type of EL—such as Eureka for research, HornsLink for student orgs, and the Navigator for entrepreneurship.
Note: This is a beta version of the EL inventory. Please fill out this form to submit feedback, request corrections or suggest an EL program for inclusion.
Affiliated with the Institute for Mental Health Research and the Psychology Department, the Anxiety & Health Behaviors Lab (AHBL) conducts state-of-the-art research aimed at improving the treatment of anxiety disorders and related problems. The AHBL’s in-house clinic, the Anxiety & Stress Clinic is dedicated to providing evidence-based therapeutic services to the Austin community.
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- Inquire with program
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Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- CNS Majors only
- completion of A in SDS 380C Statistical Methods or passed the Prerequisite Exam administered by the Portfolio Committee.
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Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- Recommended one semester of Arabic and 3.5 GPA
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Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- Enrollment in program
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Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- STEM majors
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People in the Texas astronomy program broadly engage in public outreach. In particular, the McDonald Observatory’s Education and Outreach Office is one of the country’s leaders in astronomy outreach and education. The office manages programs ranging from professional development for teachers, to star parties and facility tours for the 60,000 annual visitors to the observatory in West Texas, to creation and distribution of educational radio programs heard by millions of people each week, and web sites accessed by nearly a million unique visitors each month. StarDate radio, the oldest and most popular radio program of its kind in the country, brings information about the cosmos to an estimated 5 million listeners throughout North America and Europe each week. These diverse programs within the observatory, together with community events supported by astronomy on and off campus, offer students, scientists and faculty a wide variety of opportunities in outreach and education.
Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- Limited to astronomy majors
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Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- Inquire with program
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Period(s): Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- Limited to psychology majors
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Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- Any major
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Period(s): Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
- CNS majors
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