Experiences at UT

“Experiences at UT” is an inventory of experiential learning (EL) opportunities for UT Austin students. You can search for EL opportunities across all UT Austin colleges/schools and industries or use the filters below to delimit your search by specific college/school, EL type, degree level, or industry. “Experiences at UT” also brings together in one place other experiential learning lists that focus on one type of EL—such as Eureka for research, HornsLink for student orgs, and the Navigator for entrepreneurship.

Note: This is a beta version of the EL inventory. Please fill out this form to submit feedback, request corrections or suggest an EL program for inclusion.

Affiliated with the Institute for Mental Health Research and the Psychology Department, the Anxiety & Health Behaviors Lab (AHBL) conducts state-of-the-art research aimed at improving the treatment of anxiety disorders and related problems. The AHBL’s in-house clinic, the Anxiety & Stress Clinic is dedicated to providing evidence-based therapeutic services to the Austin community.

Host: Department of Psychology
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Inquire with program

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The program provides a comprehensive course of study for graduate students to strengthen their statistical modeling skills and prepare for future careers. It serves as a platform for students from different UT departments to collaborate and exchange ideas on applying statistical modeling methods. Additionally, it leverages the expertise of faculty members across UT who specialize in statistics at both foundational and applied levels.
Host: Department of Statistics and Data Sciences
Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • CNS Majors only
  • completion of A in SDS 380C Statistical Methods or passed the Prerequisite Exam administered by the Portfolio Committee.

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The Arabic Flagship Program (AFP) is a merit-based undergraduate course of study designed for learners of Arabic who seek to achieve professional working proficiency while pursuing the majors of their choice. Flagship students study Arabic throughout their domestic studies at UT Austin before pursuing the AFP "Capstone Year" in Morocco with the goal of reaching "Superior" proficiency.
Host: Arabic Flagship Program
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Recommended one semester of Arabic and 3.5 GPA

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As a program, we recruit and retain quality Cadets who would best serve the Nation. We educate and train Cadets in Army officership, Army Values, physical and moral standards, and tactical craft. Cadets are coached and mentored to be leaders who are able to think critically, adapt and overcome in adverse situations, and apply good moral judgment. Our result is quality Commissioned Army Officers of character, armed with the tools to succeed and ready to lead our Nation’s Soldiers.
Host: Department of Military Science
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Enrollment in program

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AWARE brings together women at different career levels (including UG and graduate students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, research staff, lecturers, education/outreach staff), as well as men who are supportive of the above goals, to provide a supportive environment and a vertical mentorship system. It organizes both internal events for AWARE members and externally directed events for the whole department or CNS/UT communities.
Host: Department of Astronomy
Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • STEM majors

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People in the Texas astronomy program broadly engage in public outreach. In particular, the McDonald Observatory’s Education and Outreach Office is one of the country’s leaders in astronomy outreach and education. The office manages programs ranging from professional development for teachers, to star parties and facility tours for the 60,000 annual visitors to the observatory in West Texas, to creation and distribution of educational radio programs heard by millions of people each week, and web sites accessed by nearly a million unique visitors each month. StarDate radio, the oldest and most popular radio program of its kind in the country, brings information about the cosmos to an estimated 5 million listeners throughout North America and Europe each week. These diverse programs within the observatory, together with community events supported by astronomy on and off campus, offer students, scientists and faculty a wide variety of opportunities in outreach and education.

Host: Department of Astronomy
Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Limited to astronomy majors

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In our lab at the University of Texas at Austin, we're interested in how these processes contribute to appropriate social functioning. For example, how do our motivations to see ourselves and other people in particular ways impact our decisions in social interactions? At the moment, the main areas of our current research include social rejection, authenticity, and the neural basis of motivational influences on social construal.
Host: Department of Psychology
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Inquire with program

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The Department of Psychology will be funding summer internship opportunities for undergraduate students who are interested in working on developing their data science skills in a psychology research lab. The program is in residence and runs for eight weeks during the summer.
Host: Department of Psychology
Period(s): Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Limited to psychology majors

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Bevo Video Productions (BVP) is a Texas Student Media unit, partnered with UT Athletics, offering UT-Austin students paid opportunities to gain practical experience in live event production and high-quality video work. No experience required.
Host: Bevo Video Production
Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Any major

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The Center for Biomedical Research Support will host the Annual Summer School for Big Data in Biology at different times through the months of May and June. Courses will be offered in-person or online. The summer school provides a unique hands-on opportunity to acquire valuable skills directly from experts in the field, with courses tailored towards novices or intermediate and advance users.
Host: Center for Biomedical Research Support
Period(s): Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • CNS majors

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