Experiences at UT

“Experiences at UT” is an inventory of experiential learning (EL) opportunities for UT Austin students. You can search for EL opportunities across all UT Austin colleges/schools and industries or use the filters below to delimit your search by specific college/school, EL type, degree level, or industry. “Experiences at UT” also brings together in one place other experiential learning lists that focus on one type of EL—such as Eureka for research, HornsLink for student orgs, and the Navigator for entrepreneurship.

Note: This is a beta version of the EL inventory. Please fill out this form to submit feedback, request corrections or suggest an EL program for inclusion.

Eureka is a database supporting undergraduate participation in research and creative activity at The University of Texas at Austin. Students from all disciplines are encouraged to use Eureka to identify research interests and connect with faculty researchers.

Host: Office of Undergraduate Research
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Any major

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HireUTexas is UT Austin’s career search database. There are opportunities on and off campus posted throughout the year.

Host: Career Success
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
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HornsLink is an online database of registered student organizations at UT Austin. After logging in with an EID, students can explore and search all organizations.

Host: Office of the Dean of Students
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
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The Navigator connects UT researchers and students to more than 130 innovation and entrepreneurship resources across campus by centralizing them into one user-friendly search platform. From funding and mentoring to education and intellectual property support, use the Navigator to find what you need, quickly and easily.

Host: Discovery to Impact
Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Any major

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UT Austin’s listing page for service opportunities across campus and across central Texas. This page is managed by the Center for Community Engagement.

Host: Center for Community Engagement
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Any major

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Archer Fellows study and intern in Washington, D.C., during a fall or spring semester. Past internship sites include the White House, the Supreme Court, the World Bank, National Public Radio and the National Council of La Raza, among many others.

Host: Archer Center, Career Success
Period(s): Fall, Spring
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree at a University of Texas System institution
  • Previous work or internship experience
  • Campus leadership and/or community involvement

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Undergraduate student participants return to their hometowns after their first year at UT Austin to complete a full-time summer internship and to engage in community research. The goals of this program are three-fold: to develop a strong professional foundation early during the student’s UT experience, to build connections for a potential future in the student’s home community, and to help prepare the next generation of community leaders.

Host: Career Success
Period(s): Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Students from all majors are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be: a currently-enrolled first-year UT Austin student who will be starting their second year in the fall after participating in the program
  • sophomores who apply to participate between their second and third years at UT may be considered if space is available in the program available to work 40 hours per week during the entirety of the program from one of the participating Home to Texas communities (or from a community that is within a 30-minute driving distance from these cities).

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The School of Law maintains a database of available internships for law students of different levels.
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Limited to 1L law students

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The School of Law maintains a database of available internships for law students of different levels.
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Limited to 2L law students

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The School of Law maintains a database of available internships for law students of different levels.
Period(s): Fall, Spring, Summer
Funding Availability: Inquire with program
Other Requirements:
  • Limited to 3L law students

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