September 2022 Undergraduate Newsletter

The Career Success team is excited to welcome you back to the Forty Acres and hopes you are enjoying the new semester!

As you continue learning in class, engaging with your peers and getting involved on campus, you may be considering new options and future possibilities. This is a great time to explore all the opportunities ahead of you and to discover new ways to leverage your unique skills and interests.

Whether you want to plan for a job after graduation, search for internships, find an on-campus job, research graduate school programs or learn more about your options, you can utilize the tailored career resources through your college/school career center and additional resources available to all students through Career Success.

Exploration Celebration Event

Are you looking to change your major or pursuing a career outside of your major? Career Success invites all students to our Exploration Celebration event on Thursday, September 22, from noon-2 p.m. in FAC 2.236. Whether you are just starting your major exploration process or navigating the job search process, we have resources and pizza for YOU!

Stop by to learn about how TCE can support your journey and enjoy free food and giveaways!

Register Here

exploration celebration event

What Can You Do With Your Major?

Have you ever wondered what careers other students in your major have pursued? Or how students in different majors can land on the same career path?

You can use the “What Can I Do With My Major” website to answer those questions! Using this tool will help connect your academic and professional interests while exploring majors or industries.

Start searching!

Personalized Career Support

A sounding board can be a really impactful tool. You don’t need to know what you want to do or even have all of your questions together to meet with a career professional. The University of Texas at Austin provides various ways to get tailored support for your future from your college or school career center and Career Success.

Make an appointment!

drop in hours

Longhorn Career Peers Drop-In Hours

Want feedback on a resume or cover letter? Have an interview or internship search coming up? Longhorn Career Peers are available for drop-ins every day of the week in FAC, no appointment needed!

Join a Career Community

Career communities were created to provide industry-specific resources, opportunities and connections for all students, regardless of academic focus. By enrolling in a community, you can access tools to explore careers in that industry, communicate your story, build your network, and find job and internship opportunities. Students are invited to join as many career community toolkits as they like!

Join a career community!

Upcoming Career Events, Fairs and Workshops Open to All Majors

U.S. Department of State Information Session with UT Diplomat-in-Residence
Tuesday, September 13, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

College of Natural Sciences Technology and Science Career Fair (In-Person)
Tuesday, September 13, noon-4 p.m.

AT&T Night
Thursday, September 15, 5-6 p.m.

Graduate School Workshop 101
Monday, September 19, noon-1 p.m.

Capital One UT Austin: Case Workshop
Tuesday, September 20, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

College of Natural Sciences Technology and Science Career Fair (Virtual)
Wednesday, September 21, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Dell Night
Wednesday, September 21, 9 a.m.-noon

Explore Teach for America: UT Alumni Panel
Tuesday, September 27, 4-5 p.m.

Archer Fellowship Program Info Session
Wednesday, September 28, 5-6 p.m.

Internal Transfer Series Part 1: Understand your Values, Interests, Personality and Skills
Thursday, September 29, 5-6 p.m.

Academy Sports + Outdoors Night
Tuesday, October 4, 5-6:30 p.m.

Liberal Arts Career and Internship Fair
Tuesday, October 4, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Citi Firm-wide Fireside Chat (Information Session)
Thursday, October 6, 6-7 p.m.

More opportunities to connect with organizations in your desired industry may be available through your college/school career center.

Get help with Career Fair Prep!